--autoQC |
Quality control (QC) including call rate and gender checking |
--bim |
Specify .bim file as alternative input |
--build |
Reconstruct pedigrees using information from SNP data |
--bysample |
Sample-level QC |
--bySNP |
SNP-level QC |
--callrateM |
Specify SNP-level call rate for QC |
--callrateN |
Specify sample-level call rate for QC |
--cluster |
Cluster individuals into families according to inferred relatedness |
--covariate |
Specify covariate names to be adjusted in association analysis |
--cpus |
Specify number of CPU cores for parallel computing |
--degree |
Specify degree of relatedness for all relatives to be inferred |
--duplicate |
Identify duplicate pairs (including MZ twins) using autosome SNP data |
--fam |
Specify .fam file as alternative input |
--homog |
Infer relatedness assuming a homogeneous population |
--ibdseg |
Infer IBD segments shared between any two samples using SNP data |
--ibs |
Provide IBS statistics between any two samples using autosome SNP data |
--invnorm |
Inverse normal transformation for quantitative traits prior to association scan |
--kinship |
Estimate kinship coefficients between any two samples using SNP data |
--lessmem |
Request less memory usage, now retired in KING 2.1.6 and later |
--maxP |
Specify maximum p-values for being included in the output files |
--mds |
SNP-based multi-demensional scaling (MDS) for ancestry inference |
--model |
Specify a model template file for risk prediction |
--mtscore |
GWAS scan with a many traits version of score test |
--noflip |
Specify no-flip flag for risk prediction |
--pca |
Compute principal components of ancestry using autosome SNP data |
--pcs |
Specify the number of PCs used for PCA/MDS, e.g., 10 as default |
--prefix |
Specify prefix of files for inference results, e.g., "king" as default |
--prevalence |
Specify disease prevalence in the general population for risk prediction |
--projection |
Project samples onto the principal component space of reference samples |
--projection N |
Relatedness inference between two subsets where the first subset includes the first N samples |
--related |
Fast and integrated relationship inference to identify close relatives |
--risk |
Predict disease risk using genetic risk scores (GRS) |
--roh |
Scan for runs of homozygosity |
--rpath |
Full path of the R program. e.g., --rpath R |
--rplot |
Plot inference results using R code |
--sexchr |
Specify pair number of the sex chromosome for non-human species |
--tdt |
GWAS scan with transmission-disequilibrium test |
--trait |
Specify trait names for association scan |
--unrelated |
Extract a subset of unrelated individuals |